Kinetics of Reaction of Roasting of Soda Ash and Ilmenite Ore Concentrate for Formation of Sodium Titanates

  • I. A. Nafeaa Faculty of Science, Helwan University
  • A. F. Zekry Faculty of Science, Helwan University
  • M. G. Khalifa El-Tabbin Metallurgical Institute
  • A. B. Farag Faculty of Science, Helwan University
  • N. A. El-Hussiny Central Metallurgical Research and Development Institute
  • M. E. H. Shalabi Central Metallurgical Research and Development Institute


Alkaline metals and hydrogen titanates are of great interest for possible applications. The soda ash and Rosetta ilmenite ore concentrate briquette were investigated. The kinetic of formation of sodium titanate was studied in the temperature range 700°C to 900°C.
